Video 24
Bhagavatam - Book 1. Chapter 18 - Verse 24
oh no it did not start ready [Music] we salute bhagavan sri krishna the son of vasudeva which is the destroyer of the demons kangso and the most darling of mother devaki and the leader and the guru of the world own peace peace peace now we are in the chapter 18 of book number one verse number 24. the other day we heard about kali the age kali it's a very negative age where mostly evil predominates this is our quality now we are passing to that evil predominates more than good and the dharma the righteous living the spiritual principles are not found much in the society it is called if the dharma is considered to be like a bull the bull is standing on the one leg how difficult all the three legs which was dominant in this other ages truthfulness honesty love compassion fellow feeling respect for each other spirituality all has gone one by one one going so it is a very dark age but we heard that the blessings of this age is that if you do little spiritual practice you gain a good merit and another thing is that that in this kuli yuga if you do something bad karma you mentally you do something bad karma that is no sin that's the uniqueness of this is an advantage of being born in this age concession says because all are bad people it's little good someone does god says wow he's a good boy good girl huh so that is the benefit of this is ramakrishna said mom holy mother said the sin incurred in your mind in the thought but not in action that is not to be considered to be what is called sinful in this this age of the circumstances anyhow but this time that then the suta he was appreciated by the rishis and sutra said that the narrator he said that is the glory of the lord though i was not born high high born family but by grace of the holy people and association of the holy i have become like this the greatness of the lord and then he suggests that oh you receive you say this you are great vedic servants in response to your question i shall now tell you what little i know about this subject for the effort of even greatest philosophers and theologians to depict the lord maha vishnu's greatness is limited by the smallness of their capacity even great poets great writers great philosophers cannot describe you you are so great just as a small bird's flight is in the immeasurable sky so i shall though it is so but i shall try to relate to you the story you wanted to know how this bhagavat came out and how the stories so this is the verse number twenty fourth we write we read now it is in discretion of the king pariksit pariksit you know he was the grandson of arjuna and the great pious personality was protected by krishna again and again in his life so the story now the narrator continues the story the stories this is the ground from which this whole bhagavata book has come out once pariksit went hunting into the forest after chasing wild animals for a long time bow and arrow in hand he became very much exhausted by hunger and thirst searching for a tank or a whale in the neighborhood he walked into the hermitage of a sage his name is sumik saamik so this swami was a sage hermit a family householder life with children but deeply spiritual there he saw the sage swami was seated with eyes closed and wrapped in a peaceful meditation so she was totally like deep in his meditation the sage sat there with senses breath mind and intellect under control that many senses eyes etc all the senses are controlled not listening not hearing and the breath that is in a state of what is called kumbhaka mind control intellect is also restrained he was established in the tudia transcendental level estate unaffected by any change and transcending and transcending the three states of waking dream and sleep that means you are staying in the level of samani beautifully described that he is beyond the three states waking state dream state and sleep state we go to three states but this sage is so much deep in samadhi has gone to the gross world to the subtle world to the causal world lives in the absolute and his body was covered with the skin of a roru a kind of deer he was wearing a dear skin his matted locks led disabled enveloping him on all sides that means yes so many severe austerities he does not take care of his body matted locks means the hair grows and it does not you don't take care naturally it gets matted locks into lock the thirsty king approached him and asked for water alas the king became angry as he felt insulted in not being offered a seat not even a word of welcome no but he's the king of the entire country that's called emperor of the country and he's going to a heart poor one brahmin is he meditating or making a fake show that was in his mind so he king then became angry very angry he feels insulted the king has come what people will say if the president comes over here whoever may be the president of the country what will you do so you'll have to give a seat welcome him minimum minimum courtesy and he is not caring and he is requesting for a glass of water so insulted in not being offered a seat nor even a word of welcome so 29 verses tortured by hunger and thirst as he was the king felt overcome all of a sudden by an unusual antagonism and anger towards that holy man he suddenly naturally he felt angry normally he's a man of great spirituality he should not be but under the impulse of hunger and thoughts as if you are too much hungry you know and thirsty you are asking for a glass of water angry angry so that is why that's why it is said the anger is a devil in the path of spirituality and they are called the demons who obstruct our ex awareness into stops those awareness into god realization their obstacles before leaving the hermitage so he has anger and then before leaving hermitage he took a dead serpent with the end of his bow and put it round the hole in man's neck then he departed to his city because he was a yogi real yogi or fake yogi anyhow so if you are yogi like shiva so he showed a snake on your neck so he found a dead snake somewhere and wrapped around his neck but the king did so to ascertain whether he was really in samadhi with all his senses absorbed or whether he was pretending to be so in spirit of contempt towards shuttles as a class there is a rivalry between the upper classes no shot to your class brahmin class brahmins are considered to be the highest in the class no and shot shatters are not less so they have a little rivalry antagonism that who is great your king has come what's the king i don't care for the king i am robbing higher than the acceptor so that pride did it that pride worked or genuinely he is in samadhi so he put that way this sage had a young son of great spiritual luster you know it is called the boy was very pure yes and this truth whatever comes out of the brahman's words that become true and that was called the truthfulness power of truthfulness if one practices truthfulness whatever comes out of his mouth that will be true say they were raja yoga you can find that sutra if you are established in satya truthfulness then whatever comes out of your mouth it will happen so the boy was just then playing with others of his age when he came he playing some other at a distance somewhere gone with the friends and when he came to know his father was humiliated by the king that time he came to be aware that the king came and king humiliated insulted my father but it's no respect for father love for father she was so angry at how dare my father is in meditation under king because he is king he has the audacity to insult my father with this type of thought yeah if you are adult then it's okay but this is all playing in the duality the king for exit is not an ordinary guy he should not insult his a holy man meditating yeah he's asked for drinking water he's not aware that you should not put a snake on his neck dead snake and a live snake would have been much dangerous at least dead snake and that also thing and also this child say son of a brahmin in those days there and they're really they're pure and austere and there is a rivalry between the brahmins and the extraterrestrial then and there he declared see the atrocity let's see my son the son who went to play with other children of his age group then then there he declared see the atrocity committed by a shattry pattern like a crow the watchdog only brahmana on whom he is in duty bound to attain satya should attend to a brahmin not to insult brahmin those days that was the custom any poor brahmin comes in the royal and the palace the king will stand up with all his ministers to show him respect because their brahmin spiritual people so this vilenas shatria khatyas are ordained to be the dogs of brahmanas and guard their homes and guard their homes how can such a god of a dog get into the house and eat all the food kept within including the vessels it is not true but he's saying that the dogs what they do street dogs come and dogs eat away the food what is kept for so he's comparing the king to be the dog he's so angry a child got mad a child is anger including the she said that there are these villainous structures these bad types of kings are ordained to be the dogs of brahmanas brahmin is spiritually powerful and that was defined brahmin as i said the brahmin will go the king will stood up from his throne and salute him touching his feet no honor great honor instead they guard and guard their homes the shuttles regarding the brahminist brahmins like a dog protects his boss how can such a guard of a dog like a dog he should guard my father instead of get into the house he has entered into the house and eat all the food kept within means the honor respect love which my father should get he has eaten away all this including the vessels now that krishna the hammer against the wicket and the non-righteous is no longer there the boy says so many things now that krishna the lord the hammer against the wicked and he's there just to crush them the example is krishna bhagavati because krishna is gone the hammer against the wicket and the unlike to us is no longer there there is again a research of the tribe of violators of the moral norm you seem to be a fellow of that type i shall now teach you a lesson see my power the brahmin boy out of anger and his saying all these words verse 36 saying so the boy his eyes read with rage purified himself with the water of the kaushiki and uttered the following curse that was irresistible like a thunderbolt he just cursed the king what he said 37 verse within seven days the serpent takshaka shall as directed by me by this fellow the persecutor of my father he is a veritable threat to his own clan and the violator of all moral courts the boy said out of anger that within seven days there i am cursing him it will happen that it is a takshaka this snake one variety of snake which is called takshaka very venomous probably shall as directed by me i'm a brahmana son i have austerity the power of austerity i have and i have the power whatever comes out that will be true by my yeah i am the direction by this fellow the persecutor of my father because he has insulted my father he is a veritable threat to his own clan in the in the in their own clan he should be humble respectful instead he's like that is a veritable trait of all moral course then the boy went to his hermitage and this all happened when he heard when he was playing with the other boys somebody came back and said your father has been put in a snake like this not seeing actually what has happened it's not a wise statement though but he did it because his child while playing with this at that time he get into the race and utter these words then the boy went to his hermitage and seeing his father seated there with a dead snake dangling around his neck cried aloud in utter sorrow this is this this gives one society's picture society was so pure how much love they carry for their father no it is all anger is coming because his father is insulted that means love for father respect for father a society better society is like that love and respect for each other now the verse number 39 that the sage belonging to the line of angi rasa now opened his eyes roused by the crisis of this boy a boy was fermenting with anger and frustration and shouting who has done this to my father i have cast him he will die within seven days within seven days the serpent the serpent will serve as directed by me bite this fellow the persecutor of my father no but this this father was unaware of all these things he with the shouting and howling going on so he came down opened his eyes and then he found build he's belonging in a great lineage of brahmins on girasa he now opened his eyes roused by the cry cries of the boy the boy started crying emotionally lost his one time crying one tummy cursing crying for the father casting the other person as children will do but it is not ordinary children what he has said that will follow truth will follow there seeing the dead snake he threw it away and asked his son he didn't know anything so he what is nick that's a trey and asking the son why are you weeping who harmed you he doesn't know anything he's saying probably the boy is crying because he is somebody has done something wrong to him and and the boy reported to him all that had happened on hearing everything the the says did not congratulate his son on his having cursed the king who deserved it the least that his father was unhappy with the reaction of my his own son his son should not behave like that against that auspicious king parikshita so he was very unhappy with that he said to his son to him alas the foolish boy that you are you have committed a great wrong for a minor offense you have inflicted a major punishment yes you can you can punish you have the brahminic power but it's very logo paper guru danda that means heavy punishment for performing a little offense so it should not be done by you you're a brahmin boy and he scolded his son oh boy of immature understanding a king is not to be looked upon as an ordinary man he is an expression of the divine for it is by his might is resistable to enemies that the country is protected and the people afford prosperity and security when the king embodying the protective power of the divine disappears then what will happen if the king goes such a good king like parikshit he goes away dies what will happen then the thieves begin to abound the society all types of negative forces will when powerful administration is gone all the all the gang people get up when when there is an administration their power become more dominant in the society when good power to protective power is lost no so the king is for protecting the interest of the subjects and he's a good king pariksit and you are committing this blunder if he is if he dies you given seven days you will die if it happens then we will be in danger the thugs and mean character people will dominate the society because they will be powerful raise their hood within when the king embodying the protective power of the divine disappears thieves began to abound and human society with none to sustain and direct gets disrupted like a pack of sheep without a herdsman for the taped and plunder that will then take place in the country theft will and plunder will take care in the country in the absence of a ruler we also will be partly responsible though we may not be directly connected with those crimes yes people we have nothing we are brah means we have nothing to lose but they will disturb the other people in the whole society so though we will not be affected but it will affect the good people in the society many will be the crimes perpetrated by these law breakers they will kill one another quarrel among themselves and steal away cattle women and property then will be the destroy of the i aryan religion arjun dharma the noble law of life based on the vedas and the divisions of men into borno and astrama that means the society in that time is divided into four bargainers what are the burner brahmana and they are performing if they fall sort of they are performing their own duties brahmana does not do brahmanic duty and satya will not do their own duty then society will be a mess so men will become interested merely in the pursuit of wealth and pleasure the world the society will be all selfish and now always trying to think of me and mine not for others beneficial benefit there are good people but majority of this source society means what was in majority people's actions and behaviors so without a good ruler good king honest suppose you go to the third world countries what happens you bribe some money and you get away with all the crimes you go and bribe the police with some you need someone i know when i was a small child i know when they may be a young boy so somebody has killed a young man of the by jealousy and then they put him hanging in the gps committed suicide himself and went and bribed the police in such a way the police came in query came no he has committed suicide that was the verdict and he get away all these things but if he is a truthful honest society their judgment is there he will cast him and put punishment that is the king's duty so ruler's duty is like that so without that these men will be interested merely in the pursuit of wealth and pleasure and as among monkeys and dogs promiscuity will prevail in the human society too the king deserves not to be cursed by you by us for he is the protector of dharma and a man of great reputation highly devoted to god and one who has performed asa medha sacrifice that means big power he has been accepted by many small kings as their allies besides he was physically exhausted when he came to hear parikshit physically exhausted and afflicted with hunger and thirst when people get hungry and thirsty and you should have to take care of him rather than when he committed the offense he angry and angrily he did this may the lord the soul of all pardon this boy we match your mind for the sin he has committed by inflicting punishment on an innocent servant of the lord his father is a wise person he understands a child are saying maturity is necessary you know power is not good unless it is it falls in the hand of a mature people and right type of people put in has the power look at that putin's effect what is happening how much suffering for innocent people how much destruction of this to build up some civilization is a question to destroy by bombing it takes what that is the point so that is very inflicting and innocent people are getting so the proper king should be there and that's a ram raju we call rama's kingdom why rama's kingdom is appreciated so much justice prevailed anyone does anything wrong he will be punished genuinely punished and genuine false things should be there so that the society does not go out of the way a true devotee of the lord though he might be endowed with power will never retaliate for an injury done to him but it insult deception cars belittling or beating by be it insult a devotee of the lord who is a lover of god he does not behave like an ordinary person you did it tit-for-tat okay you did it i'll give you general that is not the devotee of god will not do that rather though they might be endowed with power they can give a blow back but will never retaliate for an injury done to him someone did some injury to that person he had the power to absorb it be it little insult be deception somebody beat cars bees belittling be it beating that is the true deputy of god rather god prays for this type of people will pray for the welfare of the person who is beating him no christ said what he said they do not know what they are doing bless them no what is the exact language they do not know what what they are doing now forgive them forgive them oh lord forgive them they do not know what they are doing no so i could have cursed what you dare touch me and by his miraculous power what he cannot do he could have done everything whatever possible that's why it is said that a true devotee of the lord though he might be endowed with power then that means you are a brahmin boy you have your austerity of the past life and our traditional austerity and study of the scriptures everything is there you have some power yourself and you apply it in this wrong way by cursing and and final curse within seven days you will die how much and that time takshin and his family were in very much trouble and they made that indepressor that wonderful palace there then later this suction sun [Music] to fight he wanted to remove all these nagas especially to kill destruction [Music] your enemy will kill you like that yeah and then finally when this jungle was stealing all the snacks yeah they say but actually was the word and then finally then another sage that is another brahmana astika he came his mother manosha was from this lava dynasty and then he said don't kill them then he interfered and then stopped it like that so anyhow these are mythical thick one side another is the historical side historical side naga means the snake but that not naga even now you can find in indian names surname is naga my grandfather ah so naga so naga is not a really snake but it's a clan of people in a hereditary day and this they has fight with other people that's always there no one group has animosity with the other and what is the problem they wanted to build a new palace in robusto a town naturally they have to cut the forest when they cut the fires those are the places of the nagas nagas used to live they used to live in the in the in the forest forest life they had to go out and then you know suddenly they're saying why are you cutting our destroying our place they get into fight so that is the thing it started and that conflict but anyhow here if we say a physically this historical side but mythical side is that a toxic will bite you but yeah you should not many curse like that so a true devotee of the lord though he might be endowed with power will never retaliate for an injury done to him be it insult deception deep occurs belittling or beating so though the sage thus expressed his regret for the sin committed by his son he did not even once think of the insult and injury that the king had inflicted on him personally that is the greatness of the holy man that's hermit who has made it he though he's talking about the sun but he says thus expressed his regret for the sin committed by his own son he did not even once think of the insult done to him that's why he's a brahmin so much insult is done he is not taking as insult that's the what character is like that no yeah who is great who can absorb so much of insult or disrespect and others and don't react other people that's the brahminic quality brahmin equal that's monks quality brahma means quality at these qualities he is bad go and beat him he has said one foul word you use five power words the word this is the way of the world but if you are a monk if you are a brahmin long misty brahmins are the four stages of life brahman four classes no they are brahman among them brahman is in the top their character should be ideal the society to follow their idea so he himself is an example he never cursed he never felt insulted by the king's behavior whereas the son got because he mature son he got behaved in getting he had the power but does not know how to control the power here you have atomic power putin is saying oh yeah get ready for the nuclear power no all the places should be ready at any point no what will happen to the one no one knows if he said like a crazy guy sometimes gives the order then it will see the what what the condition of the world will happen so this is not the nature of a brahminic brahmins will like christ give the example that is the brahminic quality so nasi's quality even that story someone was a monk was going uh in an innocent monk he was beaten by some people and he became unconscious and then when he came back to consciousness someone is feeding the milk then he said who has beaten you medio this ratchet condition deplorable condition he said he one who is feeding me the milk he has beaten me that means god there god here they have no anger somebody insulted me not insulted with a rod in hand beat me and i become unconscious and fell down with bleeding and that person when coming back to sense who has done this to you he who is feeding me with love and affection same god he has in another costume has destroyed this or created this suffering so the no question of anger no question of revenge no question of feeling insult that should be the character of ibrahim holy men do not feel any elation or depression in either happy or adverse experiences of life for the atman is not dependent on the goonas of the prakriti and see all this story but at the same time highest vedanta that is the beauty of the bhagavata though it is understood wrongly people will say it is only dualistic book of devotion it is devotion it is bhakti it is knowledge it is karma everything is here here ends the chapter what is called the 18th chapter ends here now if any question comes then i'll read a little bit and stop if no question then i'll continue now utter 19th chapter language how naga means we know snake now suta now the 19th chapter starts for a sixth resolved and suto's arrival this thing happened in the forest where the parikshet went for hunting and then he thirsty and with the brahmin with the cars of the brahmin sun no all these things happen there suit of watch now suta continues the narrator continues this story parikshith now repentant because he is a holy person honest person out of anger or out of frustration thirst and hunger he mean he just put that snake on the innocent sage who is not in his outer consciousness so sutu said the narrator said the king now began to repent of the heinous act he had done and thought allah i have perpetrated this ignoble crime on this innocent brahmana possessed of the subdued luster of one living a true spiritual life he is a living a true spiritual life in the third stage of life no harm its life thinking of god meditating on god and thinking of god in such deep depth so that he's totally unaware of who is coming who is asking is not there such a deep meditator no so i have committed a crime by insulting him the sin of insulting a holy man will before long bring some calamity and suffering on me let that punishment fall on me soon in such a way that it will not only wash away the sin but turns the mind away from our forever from such mistakes so he's saying that this that the sinning insulting the holy man will be it has a negative karma will bring a negative effect i have committed something and it's bad effect will come to me therefore it will bring some suffering to me so let it be quickly let me end this suffering quickly in such a way that it not only washes away my sins but turns the mind away from forever from such mysteries i'll never have to think about any misdeed i will just think of god totally and i will just absorb get absorbed in god only let the flame of the brahmanas anger burn up even today my kingdom my army and my overflowing treasury may but may not my impure mind hereafter ever turned in this sinful direction against brahmanas against the devas against the cows in indian culture by the cow culture meaning yeah because cows jugna that was the major thing for that they need ghee clarified buttermilk so milking out of that milk they make a butter milk and that butter milk make the ghee and that is to be offered to give you so he says that let the flame of brahmanas anger burn up even today by burn of even today my kingdom my army my overflowing treasure my my kingdom is so rich you know because it is honest kingdom and we have treasury enough good kingdom you know this country's income is less in this country why you have to go to debt because some people are stealing the money no country should be say african countries you call poor countries not it is not poor they have enough natural resources and other things but it is in the hands of few people the whole americas money is within few billion years no they say how much percentage there is a uh analysis the whole total asset of the america as major portion is within the hand of which how many people with a very limited people so every country is like that so but good king that treasury is always strong treasury honesty sincerity everything rule proper ruling everything is there that's the result but may not be in pure mind hereafter even my mind should not turn in this direction anymore for me that i will be angry with the brahmins i will insult the gods and goddess or the people of godly character this should not be while engaged in such reveries he heard that in accordance with the curse of the sages son they could approach him in the form of a serpent takshaka that he heard by that time the message came one two to the king that he will have to die within seven days that is the curse of the sun of the sage reflecting that the trait of the fairy poison of takshaka can generate renunciation even in men with strong worldly attachment he welcomed it what a great fortune no i am i understand i have done something wrong and i am till what need this world is like this so i should be off i should not miss behave anymore yeah so to better to i i get out of this world no and this time he heard that the scars for seven days death will happen and he said i welcome it he had even before arrived by discrimination he himself have arrived to this conclusion that i don't want to live in the world as a king i want to live a life dedicated to god to to counteract my sin which i have committed and the next and this world and the next are both trifling things fit to be renounced abandoning the desire for both these and looking upon the service of krishna as the highest confirmation that man can achieve he now resorted to the bank of the ganga ganja and took a bow of past until death so he went giving up his kingdom and moved towards the bank of ganga holy ganga it is said if you want to get go to heaven and holy you have to die on the bank of ganga even a tradition ganga jolie those people who are almost in bhaji last part of their life they are taken on the bank of ganga holy ganga so that their body touches the holy waters so when the body goes their mind will be purified by the mother ganga's grace so that's the faith so he said that he left krishna thinking of krishna he will spend his time so he resorted to the bank of ganga and took a pow of fast until death so he will not drink any water that was the way previously people used to die that if you stop intake of water naturally all the vital organs will collapse gradually so i will die like that i will not drink anything i'll think of the lord any day and that is still the style but now people don't follow this at least we heard when we are young child we used to hear gangajori that's called ganga joli ontario okay now the holy ganga flowing with sanctified water leads its holiness in the course of its flow even to maheshwara besides to both the heaven and the earth so holy ganga connects us from shiva to the mundane earth no heaven and they are connected as it were with purity when which man in the jaws of death will not resort to it so any sensible person to go to heaven get out of this world and not to do such crime anymore be purified by resorting to the holy ganga the king of pandu's line deciding thus to observe a fast until death on the bank of ganga the offspring of vishnu's feet where the ganga comes the lord ganga comes from the feet up it's a there is a story with that vishnu's feet and the ganga originates there was a ramakrishna's life it happened holy mother division holy mother saw that ramakrishna has from the feet of mystic vision ramakrishna is going and from his feet mother ganga is overflowing and people are getting liberated and holy and sami vivekananda is throwing flowers on that what is see the story gets distorted so correct story is this correct story is this that srirama krishna has it getting down in the steps that happened in nilamaru's garden house so mother was seeing that as ramakrishna appeared and ramakrishna is getting down into the steps and down the steps to the holy ganga and as he goes as if his body is melted and he is melting into the mother ganga and then swami vivekananda came and oh so many people there in that water there are all around and some some will be become sprinkling that holy water and everyone is getting liberated so it is said that from the feet of the lord the ganga the holy ganga ganges that's the origin the offspring of business pete decided to meditate on the lord to the exclusion of everything else having abandoned all attachments and adopted the mode of life of an ascetic so this is the way then the king pariksit came and he then came to the bank of the ganga and decided i will not drink any water i'll think of the krishna and spend my last spread my last breath on the bank of ganga for my i experience expliciating nike body and that for removing the scenes which i have incurred already now conversation with the rishis about his parikshith's resolve now this because parikshit was a great king when this message went into the people of the country they got really perturbed disturbed because such a good king if he goes away the unrighteousness will be prevailing in the society so they will be expressing their worries anxieties and then they will request pariksit not to take that decision to die so that will be next test reading from verse number eight so he finished here up to verse number seven um [Music] too these things with the stories right type of stories i do not know much i say okay no that it